وسيط عقاري

Allsopp & Allsopp - Motor City
Allsopp & Allsopp - Motor Cityعن الشركة

البيانات الشخصية

التخصص:Property consultant
خبرة منذ:2021
(BRN) رخصة وسيط دبي:58216

من انا

Meet Josh, Origionally from Buckinghamshire in the UK. Josh has over 6 years experience working in a client and customer facing environment, which allows him to be very personable and empathetic with his clients. Josh is very passionate about his work and what Dubai has to offer in terms of lifestyle and opportunities. Josh is very sporty and loves playing football, going to the gym regularly and socializing with his friends. Clients can expect a high level of professionalism and customer service when dealing with Josh as an agent.


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