Senses at The Fields

Launch price 3.4M AED*

*Prices, availability, and purchase conditions may change frequently. Contact a representative for the latest availability and pricing.

Key information

  • Delivery date

    June 2023

  • Location
  • Payment plan
  • Number of buildings
  • Property types


  • Government fee


Payment plan


Down payment
At sales launch


On handover

Project timeline

  • Project announcement

  • Construction Started

  • Expected Completion


from developer


Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A2,775
Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A3,562
Type B3,163

available in this project.

About the project

G&Co has crafted a masterpiece of contemporary architecture and design that encapsulates the essence of luxury and style in every townhouse in The Fields. Every townhouse in the development is a reflection of G&Co's commitment to providing elegance and style without sacrificing functionality or practicality.

Each townhouse at Senses at The Fields is distinguished by a tasteful combination of hues, finishes, and textures that produce a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. These townhouses provide as much than just a place to live; they also serve as platforms for individual expression.

Senses at The Fields Prime Location

Senses at The Fields gives its occupants an unrivaled position, elegantly tucked away in the center of MBR City. This development is well-situated to provide quick access to several amenities, establishments, and monuments.

But Senses at The Fields' distinctive qualities are what really make it stand out. There are a number of elegant and modern


Unit Types

  • 3 Bedrooms size is: 2775
  • 4 Bedrooms Size range from 3163 to 3562 sqft

Each townhouse in this neighborhood is decorated with the finest fixtures and accents, resulting in a creating an atmosphere of refinement. Living at Senses is like living in a work of art, with the most opulent furnishings and tastefully chosen artwork.


The Fields Mall offers a wide variety of retail services to the surrounding area, with a total of 42 stores. These include mini-marts and florists, pharmacies and coffee shops, as well as juice bars and party supply stores. Additionally, the mall is home to a variety of hair salons and barbershops, as well as nail salons and hair salons for pets.

The Fields Club House offers a range of amenities, including a fitness center, health center, yoga room, indoor and outdoor children's play areas, residents' lounge, children's party room, and a gardening area.

Delivery Date

  • Delivery Date: Q2-2023

G&Co's dedication to providing high-quality residential spaces, and it represents an outstanding opportunity for discriminating buyers and investors. Living at Senses at The Fields is definitely an experience unlike any other because of its enviable location, distinctive features, and range of housing options. Senses at The Fields by G&Co Real Estate is undoubtedly a chance that should be noticed, whether you're looking for a residence that epitomizes elegance, a neighborhood that offers an integrated lifestyle, or an investment that ensures a high rate of return.

Senses at The Fields masterplan


Map preview


  • Valet Parking
  • Gymnasium
  • Restaurants
  • Well-being and Fitness
  • Landscaped Parks
  • CCTV Security
  • Health Club
  • Children's Play Area
  • Shared Pool

Estimated rent you could get

This rental estimate is calculated based on the current ROI of Mohammed Bin Rashid City. The estimated rental price represents the ROI percentage of the average sale price.
TypeRental YieldEstimated rent (AED/year)
4 bed villa6 %213,999
5 bed villa5 %249,512

We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.

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