
Vida Residences Club Point

Key information

Delivery date

February 2029

Property types


Number of buildings


Map preview

Project timeline

  • Project announcement

  • Expected Booking Date

  • Construction Started

  • Expected Completion


from developer


Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A
Coming soon
Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A
Coming soon
Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A
Coming soon

available in this project.

About the project

Emaar Properties introduces an outstanding new residential development, Emaar Vida Residences Club Point, with a collection of modern apartments to meet the demands of today’s city lifestyle. With a total estimated number of about 672 units for sale in this development, the project offers 1,2,3 bedrooms apartment one could not find anything more ideal for those in pursuit of a home with flair and ease. Every apartment boasts an open-plan design, creating airy and luminous apartments wherein living, dining, and kitchens blend as one, combining to give a truly modern feel.

The Emaar Vida Residences Club Point master plan comes with a spacious layout and high-end finish units, adding luxury to every detail. From the sleek kitchens down to the modern bathrooms, attention had been paid to the tiniest detail with quality craftsmanship throughout. First home buyer or upgrading? Whatever your needs may be, this apartment offers a lifestyle merged between comfort and elegance.

Emaar Vida Residences Club Point at Dubai Hills Estate is one of the best opportunities available in the market for investors. Emaar Properties is known for developing high-class real estate, and the same goes for this recently developed project. With its prime location, flexible payment plans, and expected demand, this can be one of the best investments for any person, bearing in mind a very profitable return in the near future.

Project masterplan


Map preview
Community Image
Community Insights
Vida Residences

Price Range:

1.8M-4.2M AED


  • Indoor Swimming Pool
  • Landscaped Gardens
  • CCTV Security
  • Gymnasium
  • Restaurants
  • Children's Play Area

Sold history for Vida Residences

TypeAEDArea (sqft)Date sold
1 bed apartment1,795,88878015 Jul 2024
2 bed apartment3,282,8881,27522 Aug 2024
3 bed apartment4,480,8881,70024 Jun 2024

We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.

Estimated rent you could get

This rental estimate is calculated based on the current ROI of Dubai Hills Estate. The estimated rental price represents the ROI percentage of the average sale price.
TypeRental YieldEstimated rent (AED/year)
2 bed apartment7 %121,807
3 bed apartment7 %232,854

We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.

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