Riverside Views Marine Phase 4 by Damac
1 - 2 Beds
Launch price:888K AED
May 2028
Project announcement
Expected Booking Date
Construction Started
Expected Completion
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type A |
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type A |
DAMAC Riverside Views Marine 3 is a brand-new development that brings luxury waterfront homes to one of the most demanded communities: Damac Riverside. The modern units include superior finishes and spacious interior specifications that give them the right ambiance for rest and enjoyment. What is best? There are stunning water views outside the window, creating a living atmosphere unlike any other.
It is developed with the highest consideration for beautiful green areas and luxury amenities. Be it an evening walk along the waters or a state-of-the-art gym, everything one can imagine here, all thanks to DAMAC Riverside Views Marine 3 masterplan.
This is a unique investment opportunity! Its well-chosen, prime location allows easy access to significant business centers and popular places of interest, ideal for both homeowners and investors. With strategic positioning, development is guaranteed to grow, ensuring long-term value.
Type | Rental Yield | Estimated rent (AED/year) |
3 bed apartment | 9 % | 96,000 |
We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.