Burj Azizi Tower
Burj Azizi
1 - 4 Beds
Launch price:3M AED
Launch price 1.3M AED*
*Prices, availability, and purchase conditions may change frequently. Contact a representative for the latest availability and pricing.
September 2024
October 1, 2023
Project announcement
Booking Started
Construction Started
Expected Completion
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type A | 458 |
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type A | 837 |
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type A | 1,181 |
available in this project.
Azizi Developments proudly introduces Azizi Riviera 61, a spectacular residential apartment project in MBR City, Dubai's Meydan District 1. This spectacular complex provides luxury studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom apartments with panoramic views of MBR City. The project's distinct blend of French Mediterranean design and modern architecture guarantees a beautiful and pleasant waterfront lifestyle.
Azizi Riviera 61 is ideally situated in Meydan District 1, which is part of the coveted MBR City. MBR City is a popular Dubai attraction, known for its lavish surroundings and ideal location.
Azizi Riviera 61 distinguishes itself with its unique architecture and luxurious amenities, providing inhabitants with a high-end lifestyle.
Azizi Riviera 61, by Azizi Developments, is more than just a residential building; it's a lifestyle destination. With its prominent location in MBR City, luxury amenities, and numerous housing options, it provides a unique living experience in Dubai. Azizi Riviera 61 is the ideal choice for a dream home or a rewarding investment. Discover the lavish lifestyle and call Azizi Riviera 61 your new home. With an expected delivery date of Q3 2024, now is the time to guarantee your spot in this distinguished development. Don't pass up the chance to live in this exquisite waterfront community.
Type | Rental Yield | Estimated rent (AED/year) |
1 bed apartment | 8 % | 75,172 |
2 bed apartment | 7 % | 125,847 |
3 bed apartment | 7 % | 115,976 |
We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.