Price Range:
Azizi Grand
Launch price 536K AED*
*Prices, availability, and purchase conditions may change frequently. Contact a representative for the latest availability and pricing.
Key information
- Delivery date
December 2024
- Sale starts
May 1, 2018
- Location
- Payment plan
- Number of buildings
- Property types
- Government fee
Payment plan
Down payment
At sales launch
During construction
On handover
Project timeline
Project announcement
Booking Started
Construction Started
Expected Completion
from developer
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type 1 | 397 |
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type 4 | 527 | |
Type 3 | 725 | |
Type 2 | 734 | |
Type 1 | 675 |
Layout type | Size (sqft) | Floor plan |
Type 1 | 1,099 |
available in this project.
About the project
Azizi Grand, a spectacular product from Azizi Developments, is located in the energetic center of Dubai Sports City and stands majestic and proud. This vibrant neighborhood epitomizes the best of contemporary living. The Azizi Grand promises an active lifestyle and is a model of contemporary sophistication and elegance.
Azizi Grand's Prime Location
Azizi Grand has a prime location inside Dubai Sports City. Residents of this area will be in the middle of the action, close to stadiums, sports academies, and retail establishments.
Delivery Date
- Delivery Date: Q4 2024
- Gym
- Large play spaces
- Refreshing swimming pools
- Nearby major sporting venues
Unit Types
Azizi Grand has a range of living arrangements, from roomy studio apartments to 1- and 2-bedroom homes, to suit every lifestyle and family size.
The following unit kinds, pricing, and sqft measurements are available:
- Studio: 397 SQFT
- 1 Bedroom Apartment: 527 to 734 SQFT
- 2 Bedroom Apartment: 1099 SQFT
Living at Azizi Grand entails embracing an active way of life without sacrificing contemporary beauty. In order to enable inhabitants to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle, the project provides a wealth of recreational and leisure facilities. With its distinctive fusion of contemporary architecture, unbeatable location, and a variety of housing alternatives.
You'll find more than just a house in Azizi Grand; you'll also find a lifestyle that is nothing short of magnificent.
- • Leisure Lounge
- • Gymnasium
- • Garage
- • Shared Pool
- • Covered Parking
- • Children's Play Area
Sold history for Azizi Grand
Type | AED | Area (sqft) | Date sold |
Studio apartment | 546,400 | 389 | 19 Dec 2024 |
1 bed apartment | 936,780 | 718 | 19 Dec 2024 |
2 bed apartment | 1,336,320 | 1,056 | 7 Dec 2024 |
We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.
Estimated rent you could get
This rental estimate is calculated based on the current ROI of Dubai Sports City. The estimated rental price represents the ROI percentage of the average sale price.Type | Rental Yield | Estimated rent (AED/year) |
1 bed apartment | 9 % | 63,934 |
2 bed apartment | 9 % | 83,788 |
3 bed apartment | 7 % | 93,389 |
We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.