Under Construction
Sales Started: 1 Dec 2023

Armani Beach Residences

Launch price 26M AED*

*Prices, availability, and purchase conditions may change frequently. Contact a representative for the latest availability and pricing.

Key information

  • Delivery date

    December 2026

  • Sale starts

    December 1, 2023

  • Location
  • Payment plan
  • Number of buildings
  • Property types

    Apartment, Penthouse

  • Government fee


Payment plan


Down payment
At sales launch


During construction


On handover

Project timeline

  • Project announcement

  • Booking Started

  • Construction Started

  • Expected Completion


from developer


Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A2,657
Type F3,214
Type E3,143
Type D2,998
Type C2,965
Type B2,926
Type G3,273
Type H3,380
Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A4,003
Type L5,392
Type J5,790
Type G5,124
Type F4,872
Type E4,865
Type D4,652
Type C4,394
Type B4,061
Type H5,283
Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A6,323
Type B6,406
Type C6,416
Type D7,191
Type E7,459
Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type A7,571
Type B8,472


Layout typeSize (sqft)Floor plan
Type 411,646
Type 19,501
Type 29,664
Type 310,547

available in this project.

About the project

Experience the ultimate in luxury living at Armani Beach Residences Palm Jumeirah, the latest masterpiece by Arada Developer. These exclusive class beach residences are one of a kind residential community that promises to offer a fusion of luxury and serenity unlike anywhere else in the world.

Designed by the legendary Tadao Ando, one of the most renowned architects from Japan, this stunning project features a perfect blend of traditional Japanese design principles and modern minimalist aesthetics. The project resonates visual and experiential continuity between the design and the seascape, resulting in contemporary buildings that harmonize perfectly with the surrounding natural environment.


  •  Unrivalled views of the promenade's twinkling lights 
  •  Lush central park 
  •  Exclusive marina and yacht club 
  •  Five star hotels
  •  Modern residences

Armani Beach Residences's  Prime Location 

Nestled on the eastern crescent of the iconic Palm Jumeirah, the world's largest man made island, Armani Beach Residences boasts a truly prestigious location. Residents enjoy unparalleled access to a wide array of world class amenities and attractions, such as:

  •  Beautiful Beaches
  •  Premier Shopping Malls
  •  Fine Dining Restaurants
  •  Vibrant Nightlife
  •  Unique Features 

 Unit Types

  • 2 Bedroom Apartment : With size range from 2657 to 3380sqft
  • 3 Bedroom Apartment : With size range from 4003 to 5790 sqft
  • 4 Bedroom Apartment : With size range from 6323 to 7459 sqft
  • 5 Bedroom Apartment : With size range from 7571 to 11646 sqft

If you're looking for a harmonious blend of luxury and serenity, the Armani Beach Residences Palm Jumeirah by Arada Developer is the perfect place to call home. With its prime location, unique features, and a wide range of housing options, it promises an unmatched living experience."

Armani Beach Residences masterplan


Map preview
Community Image
Community Insights
Armani Beach Residences

Price Range:

21M-483M AED


  • Leisure Lounge
  • Gymnasium
  • Restaurants
  • Retail Facilities
  • Children's Pool
  • Children's Play Area
  • Shared Pool

Sold history for Armani Beach Residences

TypeAEDArea (sqft)Date sold
3 bed apartment30,875,0004,06119 Jun 2024
2 bed apartment24,000,0002,9653 Apr 2024

We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.

Estimated rent you could get

This rental estimate is calculated based on the current ROI of Palm Jumeirah. The estimated rental price represents the ROI percentage of the average sale price.
TypeRental YieldEstimated rent (AED/year)
3 bed apartment5 %1,201,580
4 bed apartment6 %2,378,930

We make no warranties or representations about the estimated rent, and is provided for general information purposes only. Although we make reasonable efforts to provide an estimation based on several relevant factors, including average rental prices in the community (without crossing the maximum documented rent of similar properties, where available), please note that the estimated value is subject to market conditions, property location and details, and other factors beyond our control. You should consult a licensed property broker to fully understand all factors which affect property values and rental yields.

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