HMS Homes
123 Active Listings13 Agents8 SuperAgents
ORN 15570
Address:Office 18 C09, Building Rise Tower, Barsha Heights (Tecom), n/a, Dubai, PO Box 392865
HMS Homes
About HMS Homes
At HMS homes clients will get good honest advice from an experienced professional along with regular updates on new properties coming to market and weekly correspondence from our brokers. Our overall focus is providing an exceptional service to all customers whether looking to buy, sell or rent.
The office hours are from Sunday to Thursday between 9am – 6pm where we can be found on the 30th Floor of iRise Tower, Tecom. We also offer early, late and weekend appointments to cater for our client’s busy lifestyles and long working hours. In essence we are here to work around our client’s time.
55 properties