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Sphiria Real Estate
Sphiria Real EstateAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
0 sale
2 Rent
Deal type
220K AED
Rent, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
Jumeirah Lake Towers
Jumeirah Bay X2
Rent01 May 2024Office Space

0 Beds

Jumeirah Lake Towers
Indigo Tower
Rent08 Mar 2024Apartment

1 Bed

Personal information

Specialization:Property Consultant
Experience since:2020

Areas of activity

  • Image for Mostly apartments in Jumeirah Lake Towers
    Jumeirah Lake Towers
    3.9/5412 building reviews

About me

Veerle is specialized in Residential properties venturing into Commercial real estate as well. Relatively new to Dubai, she has proved herself as an outstanding agent, who knows how to meet the needs of clients and loves to work with people. Driven and honest , her priority is to offer only the best solution possible and build long-term partnerships. Veerle was born in Belgium and speaks Dutch and English.

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