My name is Rocsana Marcu and I am the CEO of Tangelo Real Estate. I have been selling property for over 10 years, initially in Romania and after that in the UK- London. Dubai has always been a second home for me because I spent a lot of time there since I was 20 and most of my friends and real estate clients live in Dubai. I am a PR Specialist, a Legal Expert, and a mother of two beautiful girls. l passed my exams in London and began working as a Real Estate agent, in North London. Real estate felt like a good transition for me because I’ve met so many people and I am good at building relationships and making contacts. Even if I was a TV presenter since I was 18, I was never comfortable with the fame thing. I know that the duty of confidentiality requires the real estate agent to keep confidential all information provided to the agent and I respect that. I’m crazy about selling property and real estate is my thing. It always has been, but most people haven’t known about it.