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Barika Real Estate
Barika Real EstateAbout Company

Personal information

Specialization:Sales Manager
Experience since:2021

Areas of activity

  • Image for Luxury in Dubai Marina
    Dubai Marina
    3.9/51013 building reviews

About me

As a Sales Manager of BARIKA Real Estate, the UAE’s leading real estate brokerage firm, I oversee all operations of the business with a focus on corporate strategies, key partnerships, property ‘trend-spotting’ and client relations for individual investors. With over a year of hands-on experience and know-how of the real estate industry, I have an in-depth understanding of the market today and Dubai’s extraordinary potential as a prime market for the development of unique projects. My experience, combined with a passionate and knowledgeable team that has the ability to advise clients on all aspects of the real estate market, from correct valuations and mortgage assessments, all the way to final possession, has been a key driver of BARIKA Real Estate’s success.

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