Want up to 25% More Mobile Leads? Get WhatsApp Leads.

Quickly grow your real estate business with WhatsApp leads. Discover how to increase mobile leads by 44% and improve lead conversion rates using Property Finder’s unique WhatsApp solutions. Perfect for real estate agents and agencies in the UAE.
A close-up of a smartphone screen displaying popular apps, including WhatsApp, Facebook, and Mail. A person’s finger is hovering over the WhatsApp icon, highlighting the importance of using WhatsApp for lead generation.

In today’s fast-paced real estate market, staying in contact with potential buyers and renters is more important than ever. At Property Finder, we understand that the right tools make all the difference. That’s why over 50% of our clients have turned to WhatsApp leads for real estate to boost their mobile inquiries. Want to be part of this success story? Read on to find out how WhatsApp can transform your real estate lead generation.

Why WhatsApp Leads Are a Game-Changer

With approximately 83% of the UAE population using WhatsApp, leveraging this platform isn’t just smart—it’s essential. WhatsApp allows you to connect with prospects directly, even after office hours. Imagine converting a casual chat into a concrete lead, simply by responding to a message. That’s the power of real estate lead conversion with WhatsApp.

Proven Results: Boost Your Lead Generation

We put WhatsApp Leads to the test with 10 brokerages across Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The results? Clients who activated Property Finder’s WhatsApp Leads saw a staggering 44% increase in mobile leads and a 16% boost in overall leads. The best part? This increase didn’t come at the expense of call leads. You’re simply adding another powerful tool to your arsenal. What would 405 more leads mean for your real estate agency?

How to Activate WhatsApp Leads for Your Agency

Activating WhatsApp Leads is a breeze and, best of all, it’s free for all agents and admin staff. They can use Whatsapp to chat, of course, but it’s also useful for sending property photos, documents, or even video walk throughs and voice notes! 

Ready to get started? Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Ensure You’re Ready: Make sure your agents have a valid mobile number with WhatsApp activated on their user accounts in PF Experter (is this how we refer to the product externally?). They should be prepared to receive WhatsApp messages from prospects directly.
  2. Integrate with Call Tracking: WhatsApp can be seamlessly used alongside call tracking on phone leads, giving you a full picture of your communication efforts.
  3. Centralize Communication: You can use one central WhatsApp number for your agency. Ensure the colleague managing this number is prompt in responding to messages. Quick responses can turn those hot leads into solid deals and provide users with an exceptional experience.

Real Success Stories

Don’t just take our word for it. Thomas Poulson, a Senior Consultant at Haus & Haus, shares his experience:

“Since we started using WhatsApp leads, I’ve noticed a significant increase in lead conversion. Clients can instantly reach me from anywhere in the world, making communication more effective. The feature that links the specific property the client is inquiring about is a game-changer. It helps me understand their needs right away, saving time for both parties. This tool has not only improved my income but has also enhanced the client’s journey through the home-moving process, which is ultimately the most important thing.”

Ready to Get Started?

To activate WhatsApp leads for real estate at your brokerage, contact your Property Finder Account Manager today. Want to centralize all WhatsApp leads? Learn more here.

Key Takeaways

By using WhatsApp leads, you’re not just generating more inquiries—you’re streamlining your entire real estate workflow. With WhatsApp, you can chat and send photos, documents, videos, and voice notes to prospective clients with ease, even after office hours. This powerful tool has proven to increase mobile leads by 44%, enhancing both lead conversion and client satisfaction. Simplify your communication and ensure that your agency stays top-of-mind, turning casual chats into concrete deals.

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