Get More Leads by Verifying Your Listing

Increase trust and generate more real estate leads in Dubai with verified property listings. Learn how to verify your listings on Property Finder to boost visibility and credibility. Discover how to get your ‘Verified’ badge and what benefits you’ll get,
An agent getting started on their verified listing by gathering necessary documents.

Real estate is booming in Dubai. Buyers can find property listings on Facebook, Instagram, and a variety of real estate platforms. But it’s difficult for them to know which listings are true and accurate and which are not. 

As a real estate agent or agency owner, your reputation is too valuable to risk. If you want to increase buyer trust, and increase sales, getting your listing verified helps you stand out in this crowded market. Verified listings not only boost your credibility, but also significantly increases your chances of generating more leads for your business. 

This Property Finder’s guide tells you everything you need to know about verifying your listings, from the benefits to the verification process itself. All for you to become that successful real estate agent you need to be!

Verified Listings – What Does It Mean?

A verified listing is one that has undergone a thorough review of documentation and is checked and approved by a dedicated Quality Control Team, from Property Finder. This process ensures that the property details provided are 100% accurate, genuine, up-to-date, and reflects a property that’s truly available for sale or rent. 

Verified listings are marked with a ‘Verified’ badge, signaling to potential clients that the property listing authenticity test has been passed and it is ready for purchase or lease.   

Verified properties on Property Finder's interface.

Why Verify Your Listings?

Do we really check out each verified listing on the Property Finder website? Yes, we absolutely do. And, by verifying your listing, you are reassuring your customers that your listing is 100% genuine and available for sale or rent. 

The benefits of verified listings are undeniable and include:

  • Increased Visibility

Authentic Verified Listings receive prominent placement in search results, propelling them to the top where potential buyers and renters are actively looking.

  • Boost Your Lead Generation

Findings show Verified Listings generate four to six times more real estate leads compared to non-verified listings. That’s impressive! This translates to a significant increase in qualified inquiries, and hence more customers for you who are ready to buy or rent!

  • Build Trust and Credibility

In a booming market there’s the unfortunate potential for deceptive listings. Verification acts as a badge of honor. Property buyers and renters are more likely to contact agents who prioritize transparency and ethical practices. 

  • Free Service with Big Impact

Verification is a free service offered by Property Finder to all our customers. It’s a simple yet powerful tool to maximize the effectiveness of your listings. Take full advantage of the value verified listings provide, and start seeing better and faster real estate sales!

Conor McKay, a Luxury Specialist at Haus & Haus and Dubai’s Outstanding Agent Winner, emphasizes the importance of Verified Listings:

“Verified listings are a massive step towards authenticity in the market in terms of properties which are actually available. The fact that before listings go live now, all correct documents are in place means the verified listings you will see online are genuinely helping agents”.

That’s right! Verified listings on Property Finder are a fantastic tool to increase traffic to your listings and gain trust from potential customers. Property seekers are more likely to deal with real estate agents who adhere to the industry’s laws and regulations and keep buyer and renter interests and rights a priority.

Happy client with confirmed property after buying from a verified listing.

How to Verify Your Listings as a Real Estate Agent

As a real estate agent looking to be successful, verifying your listing is a simple and straightforward process here on Property Finder. Simply upload digital copies of the required documents online via PF Expert, PropSpace or Property Finder Manager, and our in-house team checks each document. 

This simple guide walks you through each step to get your authentic verified listing:  

Step 1: Gather Required Documents

Ensure you have digital copies of the necessary documents, which may include:

  • Form A (Authorization Document)
  • Title Deed or Sales and Purchase Agreement
  • Property Advertising Agreement (supplied by Property Finder)
  • Signed copy of the homeowner’s passport or Emirates ID

Step 2: Upload Documents Online

Use PF Expert, PropSpace, or Property Finder Manager to upload your documents. These systems are designed to make the submission process easy and efficient.

Step 3: Quality Control Check

Our in-house team will review each document to ensure all information is accurate and complete. This step is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the verified listings.

Step 4: Approval and Badge Assignment

Once your documents are approved, your listing will be marked with the ‘Verified’ badge, signaling its authenticity to all potential clients.

Step 5: Celebrate

Now that you have your verified listings, get ready to start making more real estate sales! 

Are There Special Considerations for Different Regions?

In Dubai, the verification process applies to all property types, including residential rentals and sales, as well as commercial properties. In Abu Dhabi, only properties in the capital’s freehold areas are currently eligible for verification. 

Here are some special considerations depending on region:

In DubaiIn Abu Dhabi
Form A (authorisation document)Title Deed or the Sales and Purchase Agreement
Title Deed (property ownership document)A signed copy of the homeowner’s passport or Emirates ID
A signed copy of the homeowner’s passport or Emirates ID Property Advertising Agreement (supplied by Property Finder) 

Verification services will soon be extended to the Northern Emirates, expanding the benefits of verified listings across more regions.

Verification Duration and Renewal

The verification period varies depending on the property type:

  • Residential rental listings: 45 days
  • Residential sale listings: 90 days
  • Commercial rental listings: 90 days
  • Commercial sale listings: 180 days

Note that Listings can be re-submitted for verification if the documentation remains valid and the property is still available on the market.

‘Verifieds’, as we call them, come up high in rankings. As we put quality first, we expect the images you upload for Verifieds to be of high-quality also. If they aren’t, your request might be delayed, until they’re just right

And one more – submitting falsified or forged documents will result in a restriction in an agent’s ability to verify listings, along with having their profile unverified. This may lead to all currently verified listings being removed. 

Remember that Verified Listings were created to promote industry best practice – be part of the movement. 

Get the Step-by-Step Guide

Download our Verified Listings Fact Sheet & Checklist to breeze through the verification.

Are you a PF client ready to verify your listings?

Go to Manager, or log in to your myCRM or PropSpace account.

What Property Finder Clients Say

  • “I got more leads from verified listings.” – Real Estate Agent
  • “I close deals faster with verified listings.” – Property Specialist
  • “Getting verified was easy and it significantly improved my business.” – Agent

For more detailed information, visit Property Finder’s Listing Verification Guide.


What are the criteria for property listing verification?

The primary criteria for property listing verification include submitting accurate and complete documentation such as Form A, Title Deed or Sales and Purchase Agreement, Property Advertising Agreement, and the homeowner’s ID. Additional criteria may apply based on specific regional requirements.

What happens when verifications are taking longer than the expected time?

If your verification process is taking longer than expected, you can send an email to for assistance. The support team will help resolve any issues and expedite the process.

Is there any special benefit of having verified listings?

In addition to higher search rankings and increased lead generation, agents with more verified listings will have higher agent scores and are more likely to become SuperAgents.  

Are there any costs associated with verifying a listing?

No, there are no additional costs for verifying your listings. Verification is a free service included with your Property Finder membership.

What happens if my documents are rejected during the verification process?

If your documents are rejected during the verification process, you will be notified with the specific reasons for the rejection. You will have the opportunity to correct any issues and resubmit the documents for verification. Ensuring that all documentation is accurate and complete before submission can help prevent delays.

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