SuperAgent13Apartment34,000 AED/year1BHK WITH BALCONY NEAR AL NAHDA PARK FOR FAMILYAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 950 sqft
SuperAgentNew9Apartment32,997 AED/yearLAVISH 1BHK | CLOSE HALL WITH DOOR | FRONT OF PARKPremiumAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 902 sqft
SuperAgentNew12Apartment32,999 AED/year1BHK CLOSE HALL FREE DAYS 30 FRONT ALNAHDA PARKPremiumAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 920 sqft
New11Apartment34,000 AED/yearOPEN VIEW BALCONY 1BHK FOR FAMLY FRONT NAHDA PARKPremiumAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 950 sqft
SuperAgent11Apartment33,999 AED/year1BHK WITH OPEN VIEW BALCONY NEAR AL NAHDA PARKPremiumAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 960 sqft
SuperAgent12Apartment32,999 AED/yearNEAR PARK!! CLOSE HALL | LIKE 2ROOMS!! MONTH FREEAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 870 sqft
SuperAgent13Apartment33,999 AED/year30 DAYS FREE FRONT ALNAHDA PARK 1BHK HALL BALCONYAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 899 sqft
SuperAgent11Apartment33,991 AED/yearLAVISH 1BHK | BALCONY PARK VIEW | ONE MONTH FREEAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 911 sqft
SuperAgent16Apartment49,999 AED/yearNEW 2-BHK-FREE PARKING-OPPOSITE NAHDA PARK-OPENAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 2 3 1,535 sqft
SuperAgent13Apartment33,990 AED/year1BHK WITH OPEN VIEW BALCONY NEAR AL NAHDA PARK Al Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 970 sqft
SuperAgent10Apartment34,000 AED/yearPARK VIEW | BALCONY | SPACIOUS 1BHK FLATAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 1,011 sqft
SuperAgent12Apartment33,999 AED/yearFREE DAYS 30 1BHK SPACIOUS HALL WITH BALCONYAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 979 sqft
SuperAgent12Apartment34,000 AED/yearWITH BALCONY BEAUTIFUL PARK VIEW SPACIOUS APARTMENAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 980 sqft
15Apartment34,000 AED/yearOPEN VIEW 1BHK BALCONY FOR FAMLY FRONT NAHDA PARKAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 950 sqft
12Apartment34,000 AED/yearFULLY OPEN((PARK VIEW))1BHK 33K 34K AL NAHDA PARKAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 949 sqft
SuperAgent21Apartment34,000 AED/yearWITH BALCONY BEAUTIFUL FULL OPEN VIEW SPACIOUS FLAAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 900 sqft
11Apartment32,998 AED/yearFULLY OPEN PARK SIDE VIEW--1BHK 33K--34K AL NAHDAAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 907 sqft
SuperAgent13Apartment33,995 AED/year1MONTH FREE 1BHK WITH BALCONY FRONT AL NAHDA PARKAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 1,008 sqft
11Apartment34,000 AED/yearBALCONY 1BHK FAMILY BUILDING FRONT OF NAHDA PARKAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 950 sqft
SuperAgent13Apartment32,999 AED/year1BHK RENT 33K & WITH BALCONY 34K AL NAHDA PARKAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 1,000 sqft
11Apartment34,000 AED/year1BHK WITH BALCONY FAMLY BULDNG FRONT OF NAHDA PARKAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 950 sqft
16Apartment34,000 AED/year1BHK WITH BALCONY 1MONTH FREE FRONT OF NAHDA PARKAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 950 sqft
SuperAgent12Apartment34,000 AED/year1BHK WITH BALCONY SPACIOUS APRTMENT NEAT AND CLEANAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 950 sqft
SuperAgent20Apartment34,000 AED/year1 MONTH FREE PACIOUS 1BHK WITH BALCONY FAMILY FLATAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 900 sqft
SuperAgent10Apartment33,996 AED/yearSPACIOUS 1BR FLAT•BALCONY PARK VIEW•ONE MONTH FREEAl Mansour Tower, Al Nahda, Sharjah 1 1 978 sqft
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