AED 36,000 /year
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1,400 sqft / 130 sqm
APARTMENT FOR RENT IN GULF TOWER, EMIRATES CITYTwo-bedroom apartment for the first time resident, located in the Golf Tower on Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Street. The apartment is equipped with all basic amenities, with free air conditioning and free parking to ensure your comfort.
The total price is 36,000 NIS per year, and you can pay it in 3, 4 or 6 flexible installments according to your convenience. A security deposit of 3,000 NIS (check) is also required.
Don't miss the opportunity to live in this distinguished location, with high comfort and luxury.
Golf Tower air conditioning and free parking
The total price is 36,000 NIS per year, and you can pay it in 3, 4 or 6 flexible installments according to your convenience. A security deposit of 3,000 NIS (check) is also required.
Don't miss the opportunity to live in this distinguished location, with high comfort and luxury.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,400 sqft / 130 sqm
Central A/C
View of Landmark

Price Insights
This property costs 6% more than the average price of 2 bedroom in Emirates City
Average Rent is 33,852 AED
This property is 14% bigger than the average size of 2 bedroom in Emirates City
Average size is 1,229 sqft
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Emirates City
Provided by
Thekrayat Hamood
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King Real Estate AJM
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3 years
English, Arabic
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1 month ago
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