AED 23,000 /year
Luxurious one bedroom apartment in Al Nuaimiyah
- **Location:** The apartment is located in the heart of Al Nuaimiya, which means it is close to all services such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and public transportation.
- **Area:** The apartment contains one room and a hall, providing enough space for comfort and comfortable living.
- **Fitment:** The apartment is well equipped, with large windows that allow natural light to enter, in addition to the availability of basic connections such as electricity and water.
- **Privacy:** The apartment provides a quiet and suitable environment for living, with a good view of the surrounding area.
The apartment for rent in Al Nuaimiya comes with central air conditioning, providing you with comfort in all seasons. The apartment features a comfortable atmosphere thanks to the central air conditioning that distributes cold air evenly throughout the apartment.
- **Annual Rent:** AED 23,000 per year.
- **Air Conditioning:** The apartment is equipped with a central air conditioning system, providing you with a cool and comfortable environment all year round.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,000 sqft / 93 sqm
Available from
2 Mar 2025
Maid Service

Price Insights
This property costs 15% less than the average price of 1 bedroom in Al Nuaimiya
Average Rent is 27,161 AED
This property is the same size as the average size of 1 bedroom in Al Nuaimiya
Average size is 997 sqft
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Al Nuaimiya
Provided by

Al Mutamaiz Real Estate
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