AED 28,000 /year
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1,600 sqft / 149 sqm
APARTMENT FOR RENT IN GEEPAS BUILDING 5, AL BUSTANIf this ad appears to you, it indicates that you are one of our distinguished customers
For annual rent in the most requested places in Ajman Al Bustan Al Mina Street
2 rooms, a hall, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens and a balcony in Al Bustan
Master room with open view of the creek
Excellent spaces and deluxe finishing
Amount (US$) 28,000
Payments 4 or 6
Insurance check not cashed
There are dirt volcanoes in front of and behind the building
A vital location around which all services are
Easy exit to Dubai and Sharjah
Apartment No. 603
If this ad appears to you, it indicates that you are one of our distinguished customers
For annual rent in the most requested places in Ajman Al Bustan Al Mina Street
2 rooms, a hall, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens and a balcony in Al Bustan
Master room with open view of the creek
Excellent spaces and deluxe finishing
Amount (US$) 28,000
Payments 4 or 6
Insurance check not cashed
There are dirt volcanoes in front of and behind the building
A vital location around which all services are
Easy exit to Dubai and Sharjah
Apartment No. 603
rent in Ajman , two rooms , a hall and a balcony
For annual rent in the most requested places in Ajman Al Bustan Al Mina Street
2 rooms, a hall, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens and a balcony in Al Bustan
Master room with open view of the creek
Excellent spaces and deluxe finishing
Amount (US$) 28,000
Payments 4 or 6
Insurance check not cashed
There are dirt volcanoes in front of and behind the building
A vital location around which all services are
Easy exit to Dubai and Sharjah
Apartment No. 603
If this ad appears to you, it indicates that you are one of our distinguished customers
For annual rent in the most requested places in Ajman Al Bustan Al Mina Street
2 rooms, a hall, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens and a balcony in Al Bustan
Master room with open view of the creek
Excellent spaces and deluxe finishing
Amount (US$) 28,000
Payments 4 or 6
Insurance check not cashed
There are dirt volcanoes in front of and behind the building
A vital location around which all services are
Easy exit to Dubai and Sharjah
Apartment No. 603
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,600 sqft / 149 sqm
Maid Service
View of Water

Price Insights
This property costs 26% less than the average price of 2 bedroom in Al Bustan
Average Rent is 37,950 AED
This property is 10% bigger than the average size of 2 bedroom in Al Bustan
Average size is 1,451 sqft
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Al Bustan
Provided by
omer ali
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6 years
English, Arabic
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3 months ago
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