AED 5,000 /month
Two rooms and hall for monthly rent in AlCorniche
Furnished with new furniture, 4K smart screens, high internet speed
Spacious spaces and the building is the first tenant for monthly furnished rent
We have two-bedroom apartments, a salon, two bathrooms and a balcony, furnished with new furniture
Spacious spaces are available with parking under the building and the location is very vital All services are close to the building
The rent includes electricity, water and internet, and maintenance is also on us
Prices are suitable for everyone 5000 dirhams per month and 800 dirhams refundable deposit upon exit
To communicate, WhatsApp and call 0502505737
Ajman Corniche next to the ship roundabout opposite Al Maya Supermarket
Furnished with new furniture, 4K smart screens, high internet speed
Spacious spaces and the building is the first tenant for monthly furnished rent
We have two-bedroom apartments, a salon, two bathrooms and a balcony, furnished with new furniture
Spacious spaces are available with parking under the building and the location is very vital All services are close to the building
The rent includes electricity, water and internet, and maintenance is also on us
Prices are suitable for everyone 5000 dirhams per month and 800 dirhams refundable deposit upon exit
To communicate, WhatsApp and call 0502505737
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,100 sqft / 102 sqm
2 + Maid
Available from
2 Aug 2024
Maids Room
Central A/C
Private Garden
Maid Service
Covered Parking
Built in Wardrobes
Kitchen Appliances

Price Insights
This property costs 90% less than the average price of 2 bedroom in Ajman Corniche Road
Average Rent is 48,208 AED
This property is 34% smaller than the average size of 2 bedroom in Ajman Corniche Road
Average size is 1,675 sqft
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Ajman Corniche Road
Provided by
Medhat Abdalla
No ratings

Al Dyar City Properties LLC
See all properties (785)Response time
in more than 24 hours
6 years
English, Arabic
Regulatory information
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more than 6 months ago
Broker License
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