AED 370,000

Own this from just

1,522 AED/month
2,800 sqft / 260 sqm

للبيع ارض سكنية فى ضاحية الرحمانية مزيرعة الشارقة

Property Features Include :
مواصفات العقار :
-اراضي للبيع بالرحمانية سكنية
موقع مميز جدا
بالقرب من المواقع الحكومية
ومول الرحمانية
قريب جدا من مطار الشارقة
موقع حيوي جدا
وسعر مغري جدا 370 الف درهم

للاستفسار او مشاهدة العقار نرجو التواصل علي الرقم
0566788668 في حالة عدم الرد نرجو ارسال رساله نصيه او واتساب علي نفس الرقم
او الاتصال 0509948114
لدينا فلل و بيوت سكنية شقق للبيع والأيجار غرفة وغرفتان وصالة واستوديو & مستودعات & سكن عمال & اراضي & سكن عزاب & محلات باامارة الشارقة

للمزيد من العروض نرجو التواصل علي حساب تيليجرام
Bin Haddah Real Estate
-حساب تويتر : bin_haddah@
حساب انستغرام : binhaddahrealestate
حساب فيسبوك : بن هده للعقارات
Bin Haddah Real Estate
ايجار واستئجار الاراضي والعقارات والتوسط في بيع وشراء الاراضي والعقارات واستثمار الاراضي والعقارات. خدمات الادارة والتأجير لدينا مختصون للإداره
بن هده للعقارات- LAND for sale 4800 SQFT
- Ideal for Al Rahmaniya – Mazairah area
- for residential
Location very close to Mohammed Bin Zayed
- construction allowed villa residential 3- storey villa
- Excellent location
- sale- Dhs 410,000/-

*in case if we are busy or not able to answer your call please send us an S.M.S
or WHATSAPP : 0566788668

we have 1bhk ,2bhk ,studio apartment ,villas , warehouses , Labor Camp ,
staff Accommodation , Shops in deferent areas

For more offers, please contact the Telegram account
Bin Hadda Real Estate
Twitter account: @ bin_haddah
Instagram account: binhaddahrealestate
Facebook account: Bin Hadda Real Estate
Bin Hadda Real Estate
Renting and leasing of lands and real estate, mediating in the sale and purchase of lands and real estate, and investing in lands and real estate. Administration and leasing We have specialists for management
Bin Hadda Real Estate

company Profile :Bin Haddah properties since 1991, has provided
a high quality of Services & Maintenance besides to the affordable
rental and easy payment terms to all our customer supported by
qualified and experienced consultants ,marketing and property
professional management .
The team provides an array of specialist services including strategic consultancy
residential sales and leasing,commercial sales and leasing ,property and facilities
management , brokerage and property ,management services ..

for more details and viewing feel free contact : 0566788668
mohamed: 0509948114

Property details

Property Type


Property Size

2,800 sqft / 260 sqm


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Al Rahmaniya
Community Insights

Price Range:

272K-6.2M AED

Provided by

Mohammed Al Sherbini


Bin Haddah Real Estate

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within 1 hour


35 years


English, Arabic

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300,000 AED35,000,000 AED
74,000 AED296,000 AED
1 year25 years

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1,522 AED

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more than 6 months ago

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Mohammed Al Sherbini


Usually responds within 1 hour

Own this property from just

1,522 AED /month

Fixed rates from: 3.75%

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