SuperAgentFirst Sale15Factory25,000,000 AEDFree of Tax Payments - Near to Khalifa PortKIZAD, Al Samha, Abu Dhabi 6 335,081 sqft
SuperAgentFirst Sale14Factory24,000,000 AEDExemptions from Taxes - Near to Khalifa PortAl Samha, Abu Dhabi 7 335,000 sqft
12Factory240,000,000 AEDBig Warehouse | Nice Location | ICAD 1ICAD - Industrial City Of Abu Dhabi, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi 7+ 2,927,783 sqft
6Factory75,000,000 AEDFactory For Sale in ICAD 1 | Prime LocationICAD - Industrial City Of Abu Dhabi, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi 7+ 861,112 sqft
26Factory22,000,000 AEDManufacturing Factory For Sale in KezadKIZAD, Al Samha, Abu Dhabi 7+ 335,080 sqft
First Sale16Factory14,000,000 AED24000Sqm Standalone property with 8000Sqm warehouseICAD - Industrial City Of Abu Dhabi, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi 7+ 258,336 sqft