HomeBuilding reviews
Oceana Southern reviews
3.3 /5

Oceana Southern

Score breakdown

How do residents score Oceana Southern in the following categories?
Staff / Security
Gym / pool
Children friendly
Traffic near property
Guest parking

Resident reviews

2.1 /5
3.1 /5
Oceana Southern the noisiest place to stay on west beach
Oceana residences is a great place to stay however choose carefully your building. There are 7 buildings. Southern is, from far, the noisiest one. You’ll get a great view but this view comes with a price: the techno and drums music from the Club just down your windows. Every single day from early afternoon till 1.00 am do not expect to enjoy any quietness nor to sleep without earplugs. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays included the music really gets deafening. Even AirPods with noise cancellation won’t let you sleep before 1.00 am. If you are à partying person no problem, you’ll like it, but families or persons working early on Mondays, forget this place.
4.7 /5
The best on the Palm
Oceana combines best location, best convenience and best service on the Palm