Nearest points of interest
Little Bangkok - Tower
96 m
West Hill Supermarket
214 m
West Zone Fresh Super Market (l.l.c) (branch)
243 m
Salma Al-Ansariah School - Cycle 1
1.5 km
Jumeira Baccalaureate School
2.2 km
Hessa Bint Al-Mor Girls' School - Cycle 2
2.5 km
Dr. Roze Biohealth Clinic
151 m
Rosmetic Medical Center
276 m
Masjid Abu Bakr Al-Siddeeq
1.6 km
Jumeirah grand mosque bus stop
1.7 km
Rashid bin Bakhit Mosque
2 km
Price trends
2 bedrooms apartments rented in Capricorn Tower and Sheikh Zayed Road
Average prices
Average price of properties rented in Capricorn Tower in the last 12 months
2 Bedrooms | 116,000 |
3 Bedrooms | 152,000 |
4 Bedrooms | 296,000 |
The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.
Nearby prices
Average price of a 2 bedrooms apartment nearest to Capricorn Tower
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 2 bedrooms apartment rented in the last 3 months.
Properties available in the area
2 bedrooms properties currently available in Sheikh Zayed Road by price range.
New Properties in Capricorn Tower