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Palm Jebel Ali - Frond N

Average prices

Average price of properties sold in Palm Jebel Ali - Frond N in the last 12 months
TypeAvg. Price (AED)
5 Bedrooms18,887,000
6 Bedrooms20,498,000
7 Bedrooms38,824,000

The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.

Nearby prices

Average price of a 5 bedrooms villa nearest to Palm Jebel Ali - Frond N
Palm JebelAli - Frond LPalm JebelAli Frond MPalm JebelAli - Frond OFrond NPalm JebelAli - Frond N15M20M25M

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 5 bedrooms villa TowerInsights_Sale in the last 3 months.

Properties available in the area

5 bedrooms properties currently available in Palm Jebel Ali by price range.
18M20M22M24MNumber of listings51015202530

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