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Nad Al Sheba Gardens

Nearest points of interest

Love Mhshy Restaurant
5.7 km
Health Life Restaurant
5.7 km
Broccoli Pizza & Pasta
7.3 km
Food N Drink Restaurant
8.3 km
8.3 km
Union Cooperative Society
4.2 km
Bin Kalli Grocery
5.3 km
8.3 km
Calicut Royal Grocery
8.3 km
2.4 km
Lycee Libanis Francophone Prive Meydan
4.5 km
North London Collegiate School Dubai
4.7 km
Hartland International School
4.8 km
Dunecrest American School
5.1 km
SKN Polyclinic
6.3 km
Bay Square Ladies Massage And Relaxation Center
6.5 km
Jadore Medical Center
6.7 km
Empire Dental Clinic
6.8 km
Kings College Hospital London
6.9 km
Suwaida Mosque (137)
3.1 km
Ali Ibn Abi Talib Mosque
4.9 km
Al Ghafoor Mosque
4.9 km
National Cement Company Staff accommodation Mosque
5.3 km
Makhtoom Bin Khalifa Bin Saeed Al Maktoom Mosque
5.3 km

Average prices

Average price of properties rented in Nad Al Sheba Gardens in the last 12 months
TypeAvg. Price (AED/ year)
4 Bedrooms368,000
5 Bedrooms645,000

The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.

Nearby prices

Average price of a 4 bedrooms villa nearest to Nad Al Sheba Gardens
Nad Al ShebaVillasNad Al Sheba4Nad Al Sheba1Nad Al Sheba2Nad Al ShebaGardens200K300K400K500K600K

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 4 bedrooms villa rented in the last 3 months.

Properties available in the area

4 bedrooms properties currently available in Nad Al Sheba by price range.
300K400K500K600K700K800K900KNumber of listings10203040506070

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