Nearest points of interest
The Track Restaurant
404 m
Farriers International Restaurant
619 m
Fair Mart Supermarket
1.5 km
Tudo Mart Supermarket
1.9 km
1.1 km
Hartland International School
1.8 km
North London Collegiate School Dubai
1.9 km
Dubai International private School - BR
4.1 km
Iranian Towheed Boys School
4.3 km
Bay Square Ladies Massage And Relaxation Center
3.4 km
Empire Dental Clinic
3.6 km
Jadore Medical Center
3.6 km
Wise Mind Psychotherapy Center
4 km
Makhtoom Bin Khalifa Bin Saeed Al Maktoom Mosque
3.2 km
Ali Ibn Abi Talib Mosque
3.6 km
Masjid E Ibadur Rahman(Al Khail Mosque)
3.8 km
Price trends
1 bedroom apartments rented in Godolphin Avenue and Meydan
Average prices
Average price of properties rented in Godolphin Avenue in the last 12 months
1 Bedroom | 100,000 |
2 Bedrooms | 139,000 |
The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.
Nearby prices
Average price of a 1 bedroom apartment nearest to Godolphin Avenue
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 1 bedroom apartment rented in the last 3 months.
Properties available in the area
1 bedroom properties currently available in Meydan by price range.