Nearest points of interest
Shawarmco Bites Restaurant
599 m
Abu Al Homus Restaurant
673 m
Broz Mart Supermarket
282 m
Salé Sucré Pâtisserie
437 m
JSS International School LLC
1.5 km
Arcadia High School
1.7 km
Pet Lounge Veterinary Clinic
1.7 km
Dr Joy Dental Clinic
2.4 km
Mosque Masjid At Jvt Petrol Station
1.1 km
Price trends
Studio apartments rented in Pantheon Elysee III and Jumeirah Village Circle
Average prices
Average price of properties rented in Pantheon Elysee III in the last 12 months
The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.
Nearby prices
Average price of a studio apartment nearest to Pantheon Elysee III
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of studio apartment rented in the last 3 months.
Properties available in the area
Studio properties currently available in Jumeirah Village Circle by price range.
New Properties in Pantheon Elysee III