Residential Insights

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Nikki Beach Resort and Spa Dubai

Nearest points of interest

Al Qasr Lebanese Restaurant
1.4 km
Capanna Nuova
1.5 km
1.5 km
Sho Cho
1.5 km
Bla Bla Dubai
1.6 km
Mister Baker
1.6 km
Broadway Bakery
1.6 km
Palm Strip Mall
1.7 km
Wooden Art Gifts
1.7 km
Silver Grand Supermarket
1.8 km
DEWA Academy
2.6 km
New Academy School
2.9 km
Jumeira Baccalaureate School
3.2 km
Hessa Bint Al-Mor Girls' School - Cycle 2
3.3 km
Mohammed Bin Rashid Boys' School - Cycle 3
3.4 km
Veno Care
1.7 km
Dr. Elias Rahall
1.7 km
Borna Medical Spa Laser Centre
1.7 km
1.7 km
Alliance Medical Center
1.7 km
Sheikh Latifa Mosque
2 km
Mohammad Bin Ahmed Al Mulla mosque
2.3 km
Prayer Room
2.5 km
BurJuman Masjid
3.1 km
Khadri Masjid 2
3.1 km

Average prices

Average price of properties rented in Nikki Beach Resort and Spa Dubai in the last 12 months
TypeAvg. Price (AED/ year)
1 Bedroom247,000
2 Bedrooms464,000
3 Bedrooms699,000

The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.

Nearby prices

Average price of a 2 bedrooms apartment nearest to Nikki Beach Resort and Spa Dubai
La Rive -Building 4La CoteBuilding 5La Rive -Building 3La CoteBuilding 4Nikki BeachResort andSpa Dubai200K300K400K500K

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 2 bedrooms apartment rented in the last 3 months.

Properties available in the area

2 bedrooms properties currently available in Jumeirah by price range.
0.5M1M1.5M2M2.5M3MNumber of listings50100150200

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    La Cote Building 2
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    La Cote Building 4
    Image for Building Exterior in La Cote Building 5
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    La Cote Building 5
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