Nearest points of interest
The Roost Rotisserie
326 m
Nando's Jumeirah Islands Pavilion
443 m
Portofino Gentlemen Lounge
423 m
Emirates International School (Meadows)
858 m
Dubai British School
2.7 km
Dubai British School Jumeirah Park
2.8 km
Dubai International Academy
3.6 km
Regent International Private School
3.6 km
Medcare Medical Centre, Marina
417 m
Pure Chiropractic & Physiotherapy
736 m
Masjid Fortune Tower
839 m
Masjid , 1st Floor ,Almaas Tower
1 km
Price trends
3 bedrooms apartments rented in East Cluster and Jumeirah Islands
Average prices
Average price of properties rented in East Cluster in the last 12 months
The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.
Nearby prices
Average price of a 3 bedrooms apartment nearest to East Cluster
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 3 bedrooms apartment rented in the last 3 months.