Nearest points of interest
Burger King (br Of First Food Services (l.l.c.))
180 m
City Centre Me'aisem
2.2 km
Arcadia High School
2.2 km
Bright Riders School
3.1 km
Al Nibras International private School
3.2 km
Sasha Beauty Salon Jumeirah Park Pavilion
3 km
MediCentres Polyclinic
3.1 km
Medi Centres Polyclinic
3.3 km
Price trends
1 bedroom apartments sold in Jannat and Dubai Production City (IMPZ)
Average prices
Average price of properties sold in Jannat in the last 12 months
Studio | 544,000 |
1 Bedroom | 926,000 |
2 Bedrooms | 1,428,000 |
3 Bedrooms | 2,041,000 |
The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.
Nearby prices
Average price of a 1 bedroom apartment nearest to Jannat
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 1 bedroom apartment TowerInsights_Sale in the last 3 months.
Properties available in the area
1 bedroom properties currently available in Dubai Production City (IMPZ) by price range.