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Palm Oasis villas

Nearest points of interest

2.3 km
3.1 km
4.1 km
Kawloon Chinese
4.6 km
4.9 km
Al Mushref Co-operative Society
1.6 km
Al Jeel Al Jadeed Baqala
2.4 km
ADNOC Oasis Geant Express
3.1 km
4 km
Al Mushrif Garden
4.1 km
Kids Academy Branch 2
570 m
Redwood Nursery L.L.C. - Branch
601 m
Bright Beginnings - Mushrif
722 m
The American International School In Abu Dhabi
1.1 km
American International School - Llc
1.1 km
Heart Beat & One Day Surgery
3.5 km
NMC Royal Women's Hospital
4.2 km
American European Medical Center
6 km
6.3 km
Ahalia Eye care
6.3 km
Shift Car Rental - Abu Dhabi
9.3 km
Sheikh Hamad Bin Tahnoon Mosque
9.8 km
AlMaryah Island Family Park
9.9 km
Al Bateen Mosque
10.1 km
Al-Danah Central Mosque
10.1 km

Average prices

Average price of properties rented in Palm Oasis villas in the last 12 months
TypeAvg. Price (AED/ year)
5 Bedrooms200,000

The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.

Nearby prices

Average price of a 5 bedrooms villa nearest to Palm Oasis villas
Al QubaisatAl MushrifVillasAl SaadaStreetAl MahaComplexPalm Oasisvillas100K150K200K250K

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 5 bedrooms villa rented in the last 3 months.

Properties available in the area

5 bedrooms properties currently available in Al Mushrif by price range.
140K160K180K200K220K240KNumber of listings246810

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