Residential Insights

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South Hudayriat

Nearest points of interest

Al Majlis Tent
8.8 km
Fly Cafe
9 km
Koshari & Pasta
9.1 km
The Burgurry Burgers & Bites
9.1 km
Harr & Hloo
9.1 km
Le Patchouli, speciality coffee shop
9 km
9.1 km
I Love Burgers, fast food restaurant
9.3 km
House of Pops
9.4 km
Chubby Cheeks - Branch
3.4 km
Redwood Nursery L.L.C. - Branch
3.9 km
Kids Academy Branch 2
4.3 km
American International School - Llc
4.3 km
The American International School In Abu Dhabi
4.4 km
Heart Beat & One Day Surgery
7.1 km
Golden Tulip Medical Center
7.4 km
NMC Royal Women's Hospital
8 km
Right Choice
8.5 km
American European Medical Center
9.7 km
Shift Car Rental - Abu Dhabi
12.5 km
Al Bateen Mosque
12.7 km
Sheikh Hamad Bin Tahnoon Mosque
13.3 km
13.4 km
AlMaryah Island Family Park
13.4 km

Average prices

Average price of properties sold in South Hudayriat in the last 12 months
TypeAvg. Price (AED)
4 Bedrooms7,443,000

The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.

Nearby prices

Average price of a 4 bedrooms villa nearest to South Hudayriat
Nawayef EastNawayef WestNorthHudayriatAl NaseemSouthHudayriat5M6M7M8M9M10M

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 4 bedrooms villa TowerInsights_Sale in the last 3 months.

Properties available in the area

4 bedrooms properties currently available in Al Hudayriat Island by price range.
7M8M9M10M11MNumber of listings20406080

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