
fäm Properties - Branch 23
fäm Properties - Branch 23About Company

Personal information

Specialization:Property Advisor
Experience since:2024
Dubai Broker License (BRN):79029

Areas of activity

  • Image for Mostly apartments in Jumeirah Village Circle
    Jumeirah Village Circle
    3.9/5109 building reviews

About me

Olga is a very bright, talented and hardworking agent with a friendly personality. She has been working in real estate for the past 8 years, ensuring to provide an easy, transparent and professional approach to all her clients and investors. As being a part of fam Properties her goal is to deliver the best service to each client and achieve high career growth through a continuous learning process and keep herself dynamic, focused and competitive with the changing scenario of the world. Real estate is more than a job to Olga, it is her passion.

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