Prayer Time in Abu Dhabi for February 2025

Prayer Time in Abu Dhabi for August 2024

The Fajr prayer times change with the onset of summer and the end of winter. For the month of February, they will move from 05:45 AM to 05:25 AM. With the transition of weather, days will get longer and the prayer time in Abu Dhabi will change too.

Each prayer is scheduled at fixed times – before sunrise, in the afternoon, when the sun starts to set, after sunset in the evening and at night. The purpose is to remember the Almighty at specific times of the day. That said, below are Abu Dhabi prayer times for February 2025. 

Abu Dhabi Prayer Timings for February 2025

As February 2025 approaches, you’ll want to keep track of the Abu Dhabi prayer time to fulfil your Salah diligently. Below is a detailed table outlining the prayer times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

1st Feb’2505:45 AM07:01 AM12:38 PM03:45 PM06:11 PM07:26 PM
2nd Feb’2505:45 AM07:01 AM12:38 PM03:46 PM06:11 PM07:27 PM
3rd Feb’2505:44 AM07:00 AM12:38 PM03:46 PM06:12 PM07:27 PM
4th Feb’2505:44 AM07:00 AM12:38 PM03:47 PM06:13 PM07:28 PM
5th Feb’2505:43 AM06:59 AM12:38 PM03:47 PM06:14 PM07:29 PM
6th Feb’2505:43 AM06:59 AM12:38 PM03:48 PM06:14 PM07:29 PM
7th Feb’2505:42 AM06:58 AM12:38 PM03:48 PM06:15 PM07:30 PM
8th Feb’2505:42 AM06:58 AM12:38 PM03:49 PM06:16 PM07:31 PM
9th Feb’2505:41 AM06:57 AM12:38 PM03:49 PM06:16 PM07:31 PM
10th Feb’2505:40 AM06:57 AM12:38 PM03:50 PM06:17 PM07:32 PM
11th Feb’2505:40 AM06:56 AM12:38 PM03:50 PM06:18 PM07:32 PM
12th Feb’2505:39 AM06:55 AM12:38 PM03:51 PM06:18 PM07:33 PM
13th Feb’2505:38 AM06:55 AM12:38 PM03:51 PM06:19 PM07:34 PM
14th Feb’2505:38 AM06:54 AM12:38 PM03:52 PM06:20 PM07:34 PM
15th Feb’2505:37 AM06:53 AM12:38 PM03:52 PM06:20 PM07:35 PM
16th Feb’2505:36 AM06:53 AM12:38 PM03:53 PM06:21 PM07:35 PM
17th Feb’2505:35 AM06:52 AM12:38 PM03:53 PM06:21 PM07:36 PM
18th Feb’2505:35 AM06:51 AM12:38 PM03:54 PM06:22 PM07:37 PM
19th Feb’2505:34 AM06:50 AM12:38 PM03:54 PM06:23 PM07:37 PM
20th Feb’2505:33 AM06:50 AM12:38 PM03:55 PM06:23 PM07:38 PM
21st Feb’2505:32 AM06:49 AM12:38 PM03:55 PM06:24 PM07:38 PM
22nd Feb’2505:31 AM06:48 AM12:38 PM03:55 PM06:24 PM07:39 PM
23rd Feb’2505:30 AM06:47 AM12:38 PM03:56 PM06:25 PM07:40 PM
24th Feb’2505:29 AM06:46 AM12:38 PM03:56 PM06:25 PM07:40 PM
25th Feb’2505:28 AM06:45 AM12:38 PM03:57 PM06:26 PM07:41 PM
26th Feb’2505:27 AM06:45 AM12:38 PM03:57 PM06:26 PM07:41 PM
27th Feb’2505:26 AM06:44 AM12:38 PM03:58 PM06:27 PM07:42 PM
28th Feb’2505:25 AM06:43 AM12:38 PM03:58 PM06:28 PM07:43 PM

Please note that the timings are subject to change and should be checked for accuracy.


Please note that the timings are subject to change and should be checked for accuracy.

Importance of Offering the Five Daily Prayers On Time

Offering prayers is a fundamental practice and one of the five pillars of Islam. Each prayer is a short pause from our busy lives that helps nurture one’s spiritual soul. Not only this, but it also offers a chance to reconnect with the Almighty, share everything with Him and ask for his help in all matters. 

These moments of reflection help us keep grounded and provide balance and perspective throughout the day.

Religious Morning Ritual – Fajr Prayers


The days in Abu Dhabi start with the Fajr prayer, a religious morning ritual performed between 04:58 AM and 05:11 AM. It’s a beautiful start to the day, filled with spiritual reflection.

The Afternoon Remembrance – Zuhr and Asr

Friday Prayer

The midday and late afternoon prayers, known as Dhuhr and Asr, are essential parts of the day. For those in Abu Dhabi in February 2025, the Dhuhr prayer time will be 12:38 PM.

The Asr prayer time will remain pretty constant, moving from 03:45 PM to 03:58 PM.

The Evening Supplication – Maghrib

As the sun goes down, it is time for the evening supplication. It marks the closing of the day and the onset of the night. In February 2025, the Maghrib prayer times will shift from 06:11 PM to 06:28 PM. Maghrib prayers are meant to be offered during this time in Abu Dhabi. 

The Night Remembrance – Isha

prayer matt

The purpose of the Isha prayer, the last prayer of the day, is to reflect on the day’s events and express gratitude before retiring for the night. It is a peaceful practice that provides an opportunity for Muslims to connect with Allah one last time before going to sleep.

The days will get longer and the Isha prayer times in Abu Dhabi will move from 07:26 PM to 07:43 PM.

Jumm’uah Prayers in Abu Dhabi

Fridays in the UAE are usually off for work and even if it is on, the whole city pauses for the Jumm’uah prayers.

Jumm’uah prayers or simply the Friday prayers, are the Dhuhr prayers. Their timing will move from 12:13 PM to 12:09 PM. Fridays are given a lot of importance throughout the Emirates. Men will head to the popular mosques nearby and the women will prepare for it at home or office.

Muslims follow the Sunnahs of Jumm’uah before heading for their prayer. Some of those Sunnahs include:

  • Performing a proper Ghusl (bath)
  • Cutting the nails of both hands and feet
  • Reciting Surah Al-Kahaf and additional verses from the Holy Quran before sunset
  • Reciting Durood Shareef, as many as possible
  • Doing Dhikr and Tasbeeh
Praying in Mosque

Eid Prayers in Abu Dhabi

Since we’re talking about the important prayers in Abu Dhabi, it is only fair to mention the Eid Prayers in Abu Dhabi, too. 

Muslims around the world celebrate Eid wholeheartedly. The festival occurs twice a year: once after the month of Ramadan, Eid Ul Fitr and the second after the completion of the Hajj, Eid Ul Adha. 

Both Eid signify spiritual growth for Muslims and are started with Eid prayers. They are occasions of immaculate joy, gratitude and celebrations. Eid greetings are shared, homes are decorated and markets are prepared for the occasion. People make traditional food and gather to celebrate with their loved ones.

For the Eid prayer times, you are suggested to keep an eye on the updates.


1. What time is Fajr prayer in Abu Dhabi in 2024?

The Fajr prayer times change with the end of winter. For the month of February, they will move from 05:45 a.m. to 05:25 a.m.

2. How long is the Friday prayer?

Friday prayers start with a Jumm’uah Khutbah – Friday Sermon, move on to Jumm’uah prayers, and end with the D’ua – supplication. Depending on the Imam (Muslim scholar who holds the prayer and carries out the sermon), it takes a total of 30 to 40 minutes.

Keeping track of the prayer timings in your city helps you pray on time. This is why we have tabulated Abu Dhabi prayer timings for the month of February in one place. Try to do fresh wudu every time you offer prayers and remember to pray on time.

Stay blessed!

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