What Is the Legal Age Limit for Working in Dubai?

People of different ages working in Dubai as the Emirate has 18 to 60 years as age limit to work

Dubai offers exciting career opportunities to locals and expats but requires compliance with labour laws. According to Dubai Labour Law, the age limit to work in Dubai is 18 to 60 years. But wait! Do you want to gain some experience as a local or expat student?

The good news is that certain conditions allow juvenile students between 15 to 18 years to work in Dubai. Let’s uncover the facts regarding legal age limits in Dubai and the consequences of breaching the laws.

Understanding work age limit laws in Dubai

Age Limits According to Dubai Labour Laws

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) enforces labour laws in Dubai to facilitate a fair workplace culture. The laws focus on implementing fair and equal practices for all local and expatriate employees. One labour law guides the age limit for working in Dubai. 

Whether you are a local or planning to come to Dubai from a foreign country, knowing the age limits is crucial. Obtaining a Dubai work visa also requires meeting a specific age limit. Breaching the laws will result in visa rejection and severe consequences for employers.

Let’s get straight to the point – the minimum and maximum age limit to work in Dubai!

Minimum Age Limit to Work in Dubai

The minimum legal age for a work permit and a work visa is 18 years in Dubai. But there is more to it. While work permits cannot be issued to someone younger than 18, certain conditions allow juveniles to undertake employment.

According to Article (5) of Federal Decree-law No. (33) of 2021, fulfilling certain conditions allows MoHRE to issue a Juvenile Work Permit to students. Let’s look into the details of the law:

  • In any case, a juvenile younger than 15 cannot work in Dubai.
  • The good part is a child aged 15 to 18 can work under certain conditions. This allows juveniles to undertake internships and part-time jobs to gain practical experience and earn some side income.

Here are the conditions for employing a minor between 15 and 18 years of age in Dubai:

  • Employers must obtain written consent from the custodian or guardian of the juvenile employee.
  • Dubai focuses on the health of its residents. A thorough medical check-up is mandatory to ensure the child is healthy enough to work. The juvenile employees have to provide a medical certificate, certifying they are healthy.
  • A juvenile can serve six hours a day with breaks. The break time must be one hour or more. Besides, a specific break time is necessary to ensure no minor work for more than four consecutive hours.
  • A juvenile must finish their work before 7 PM. Dubai labour laws restrict young workers from committing to jobs from 7 PM to 7 AM.
  • The nature of work should not be harmful or immoral. The law prohibits working on industrial projects. Moreover, the work should be according to what is communicated.
  • The labour laws have strict guidelines on overtime. No employer in Dubai can force a minor to serve overtime.
  • The employer must have a valid trade licence as proof to hire juveniles.

Maximum Age Limit to Work in Dubai

Dubai allows workers to serve until the age of 60. This is also the maximum age limit for a work visa in Dubai. However, there is more to it. The Emirates appreciates skilled employees or those working in sectors crucial to the economy.

MoHRE grants an extension in the retirement age to such employees until the age of 65. The legal rule is to renew work permits annually for employees above 60 years. Ensuring that the employees are fit and healthy is crucial for employers.

Consequences of Breaching Child Labour Laws

There are no direct consequences for employing a minor under 15. However, Dubai does not grant work permits to minors under 15. The Emirates has strict child labour laws. Hiring a minor and assigning him dangerous work can lead to an employer’s imprisonment for up to two years.

For kids under 7 years of age, the employer can be imprisoned or has to pay a fine of up to AED 10,000. As per Wadeema’s Law (Federal Law No. 3 of 2016), a child has all the rights to live. Any danger to a child’s life will result in a fine of AED 20,000 or more.

Child Labour Laws


1. Can an 18-Year-Old Get a Work Visa for UAE?

Yes, 18 is the minimum age to obtain a work visa in UAE. It also allows one to apply for a work permit.

2. Is It Easy to Get a Job in Dubai?

Dubai’s booming economy offers top opportunities to people. However, there is a cutthroat competition as everyone wants a job in Dubai. People in marketing and creative fields are in demand in the emirate. Check out our complete guide to the most in-demand jobs in Dubai.

You must have understood the legal age limit for working in Dubai. Ending on this note, Dubai has strict laws to protect children’s rights. Employers must abide by these to avoid legal consequences.

Are you looking for a job in Dubai? Here is our complete guide to finding a job in the beautiful Emirates.

This entry was posted in Laws.

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