Home Fire Prevention Tips For UAE Residents

A Person pressing a fire alarm

The UAE’s skyline and high-rise towers are stunning examples of quality architecture. However, these developments come with fire risks. Dubai reports thousands of fire incidents yearly in residential and commercial buildings. Knowing how to prevent house fires is vital. It protects your home and loved ones. Let’s explore some essential home fire prevention tips and actions to take in case of a fire.

How to Prevent Your Home from Fire-Safety Tips

Here are some essential home fire prevention tips to save your home and family from a catastrophic incident:

Install Smoke Detectors at Home

Early fire detection can be a lifesaver! Install smoke detectors on every floor or corridor of your home, especially near bedrooms and outdoor areas.

These detectors come in handy if smoke rises in your home and ring a loud alarm to alert you and your family. The number of alarms you should install depends on your home’s size.

fire security alarms

Install a Fire Extinguisher at Accessible Locations in Your Home

A basic understanding of how to use a fire extinguisher can significantly help in case of fires. The UAE recommends buying a high-quality 8100-rated fire extinguisher. Install the extinguishers at accessible spots in your home and regularly check that they are functioning correctly.

Here’s how to use a fire extinguisher:

  • Pull the pin of the extinguisher
  • Aim low, directly at the fire
  • Squeeze the lever of the extinguisher
  • Sweep the nozzle

Keep a Fire Blanket in Your Kitchen

A fire blanket is an efficient tool for smothering small fires. It is primarily helpful for small kitchen fires while cooking.

However, one must remember that kitchens are the most common place for fire origin. Hence, keeping flammable items like towels and mittens away from your stovetops is essential. Also, never leave the cooking unattended when using oil, and clean the greasy counters and slabs after cooking.

You’re also advised to choose your gas cylinders in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, or other Emirates carefully. 

Create an Evacuation Plan for Your Home

Though every building in the UAE has an effective fire exit plan, creating your own evacuation source is necessary in case of emergencies. You can start by installing a fire exit door that opens into a garden or yard.

Also, never block these emergency exits with furniture and unnecessary items. Ensure that the staircases, hallways, and doorways stay clear of clutter for a swift escape in an emergency.

Be Cautious while Using Electrical Appliances

Faulty wiring and overloaded circuits are high hazards that can lead to fire. To prevent unwanted incidents, it is important to avoid overloading your extension cords and sockets at home and plug in 1-2 devices.

When charging phones or other devices, do not place them over or near flammable objects like beds because a disrupted charging port can cause sparks. Moreover, remember to unplug all electrical appliances when not in use, especially overnight.

Do not Leave the Candles Unattended

Many people like to light their homes with scented candles to enjoy relaxed, fresh vibes. However, candle safety is essential to prevent fire risks.

Always place your candles on sturdy, heat-resistant tops and holders, avoiding flammable materials like curtains or other decor. Remember to blow the candles off when leaving the room or home.

Keep Flammable Liquids and Materials Safely

If you have flammable items like gasoline, paint thinners, and other liquids at home, it is essential not to leave them lying around the house, especially in your kitchen.

Put them safely in a cool, ventilated place away from any heat source and children.

A sign showing the fire exit

Teach Children and Other Family Members About Fire Safety

Educating your children about home fire prevention from a young age is essential. Also, train your other family members on how to use fire extinguishers and the dangers of fire.

Practice your evacuation plan with your family once or twice a week, ensuring they know what to do when the smoke alarm rings.

Remove Light Fabric Curtains

The UAE’s summer temperature soars about 40 degrees Celsius, making it dangerous for light fabric curtains to receive direct sunlight from the windows. Because of their lightweight, they are also at a high risk of catching fires.

Hence, opt for thick fabric or double-layered curtains and avoid using fire-sensitive materials at home where sunlight directly reaches.

Stay Informed about Fire Safety Regulations

Staying well-informed about the UAE’s fire hazard safety regulations for residential villas and buildings is important. That said, many of the Emirates are ranked among the safest cities in the world.

To ensure fire compliance at your home, look at the fire safety guide by Dubai’s Civil Defence.

Emergency Steps to Take in Case of Fire

If a fire breaks out in your home and residential building, here are some emergency steps to take:

  • Alert everyone around: This is the most essential first step when seeing a fire at home. Raise your voice and shout “Fire” to alert everyone around. If the fire alarm is installed, activate it.
  • Use the fire extinguisher: If you know how to use it, use it in case of small fires. Spray it directly on the source of the fire. If the fire is uncontrollable, evacuating rather than using a fire extinguisher is better.
  • Evacuate the house: If the fire persists and is beyond control, evacuate the house with your family. Use your evacuation plan for the exit. Don’t forget to cover your face with a cloth or handkerchief to avoid breathing smoke.
  • Call for help: Save the emergency fire safety number on your phone and dial it immediately when the fire persists. The UAE fire emergency number is 997. Teach your family members to do the same.
Safety gear to ensure home fire prevention


1. What Is the Fire Emergency Number in the UAE?

The fire emergency number in Dubai is 997, which you can dial from any corner of the UAE.

2. What Shall I Do If I Hear a Fire Alarm?

If you hear a fire alarm, immediately call for help, dial the emergency number, and follow your evacuation plan to avoid life risks.

3. Is There a Fine for Starting a Fire Deliberately?

Starting a fire at home on purpose to damage the property can result in severe punishment and hefty fines of up to AED 10,000 in Dubai.

4. What Do You Do If the Fire Escape Route Is Blocked?

If the fire escape is blocked or jammed, one should stay low to the ground. Cover your nose and mouth with a breathable cloth and signal for help. Dial the emergency number immediately and move to the window room to call for rescue.

These are all the basic safety tips to protect your home from fire and what you can do in case of emergency. By following these steps, you can protect your life and the lives of your loved ones and significantly reduce the risk of fire at your home.

And if despite all your efforts, your property does succumb to fire damage, you can also claim property damage and start rebuilding from scratch.

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