How to Detect a Gas Leak in a House

A gas connection is essential for any household because it powers up several appliances; however, not every apartment or home in Dubai is allowed to have a gas connection or cylinder because leaking gas might happen.

But you can rest assured as we’ve compiled some effective tips to detect a gas leak in the household to ensure your safety.

Equipment to check gas leak in house

Tips to Detect Gas Leaks in Your Home

Stinky smells or hissing sounds indicate an alarming situation in your home. Check for gas leaks and get it repaired to avoid it in your home. If you ignore the gas leaks, the results can be fatal. To avoid any such risk, let’s learn about these causes and signs of gas leaks.

Potential Causes of Gas Leak

There are a number of different reasons as to why a gas leak may occur in your household. It can occur due to faulty appliances, damaged gas lines, or natural wear and tear. It’s essential to be aware of these potential causes to detect and promptly address a gas leak.

Corrosion and Damaged Pipes

Over time, gas pipes can corrode due to exposure to certain elements. This damage can create weak spots or holes which allow gas to escape.

Either way, damage and corrosion in connection pipes lead to gas leakage. To avoid these problems, one can opt for home maintenance services in the UAE.

Checking gas leak with a metre

Loose Connections and Faulty Fittings

Gas lines and appliances rely on secure connections and fittings. These connections become loose or faulty over time, causing the gas to leak from the unsealed areas.

Improper Appliance Installation

If the appliances are not properly installed, they can put your house at risk of leaking gas. This is why it’s crucial to have a qualified professional gas cylinder vendor in Abu Dhabi, or anywhere you reside.

Malfunctioning Appliances

New appliances working on gas don’t pose any threat. However, similar to the electric appliances, these require regular maintenance. If they are not fitted properly or malfunctioning, they can become a cause of severe gas leaks.

Signs of a Gas Leak

As mentioned earlier, detecting a gas leak promptly is crucial for the household. Below are some signs that will help you find a gas leak in your house.

Corroded pipes can cause gas leak

1. Stinky Smell

Natural gas has no smell, but if the air around you smells, it might be a leak!

2. Hissing Sounds

Leaky gas can make a hissing or whistling noise near pipes or appliances. Listen for these sounds, especially if they won’t stop.

3. Sleepy Plants

Plants need air to breathe, and gas leaks can steal their oxygen. If your plants near gas lines are dying for no reason, it can indicate a gas leak in the house.

4. Feeling Yucky

You might get headaches if you’re around a gas leak for a long time. Feeling sick and dizzy or having trouble breathing is a symptom. If this happens, leave the house right away!

5. Bubbles in the Ground

This is less common, but if a gas leak happens underground, it can make bubbles in the soil (underground) outside your home. Keep an eye out for this, especially if you have other signs of a leak.

Get a Gas Leak Detector

This is the best way to find a leak! These devices make a loud noise if they sense gas, so you’ll know immediately. Put them near gas appliances and bedrooms for extra safety.

What to Do in Case of a Gas Leak ?

If you opt for gas cylinder services in Dubai and witness a gas leak in the house, you can contact the company. However, you must follow these steps to avoid injury:

Gas fittings should be proper to avoid any leaks in the house

Everyone Out!

Get yourself, your family and your furry friends out of the house quickly and calmly. Don’t worry about grabbing things. The safety of you and your loved ones is most important.

Call for Help!

Once you’re safely outside, call your gas company in Dubai right away. They’ll send experts to find and fix the leak.

No Sparks!

Turn all the lights and electronics off. A spark could ignite the gas and cause a fire.

Vent it Out!

Open all the doors and windows to let the gas escape and let fresh air in.

Wait Outside!

Stay outside your home and wait for the gas company to arrive. Stay away from trying to fix the leak yourself unless you are a trained professional who can do it safely.


1. Who Should I Call if I Suspect a Gas Leak in my Home?

If you suspect a gas leak in the UAE,  immediately call your gas distribution company.  They will have a team of trained professionals who can safely identify and fix the leak.

If you want to save yourself from all the hassle, it’s best to get safe and reliable appliances. This is where gas cylinder companies in Abu Dhabi or other emirates come into the picture.

Stay tuned to Property Finder blogs for more such informative home tips and tricks.

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