Guide to Choosing the Ideal Rental Property with Data Guru

Choosing the ideal rental property with Data Guru

New to the city and want to rent a house but don’t know how to start? This step-by-step guide will take you through the whole process of finding a new home to rent in Dubai. 

From checking the prices and your community location to how to make sure you got the best deal, Data Guru tools have you covered.

1. Check the Community Price Range

Checking the price range of the communities in Dubai is surely the first step towards choosing the ideal rental property, as it’s an important factor that impacts your choice. 

The best way is to start reviewing the average rentals for many areas to narrow down your list to the most suitable ones. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to go one by one or open endless taps to check the rentals in Dubai; you can just open the Price Map tool on Property Finder. 

How it Works

It’s a super intersting one as you get insights about the rentals across Dubai in one step! Yes, it’s a map for Dubai, where communities are colour-coded according to their rental range. 

You can easily click on the one that suits your budget to get more details on the prices.

2. Search About the Demand and Rental Range

After checking the price range of the community, it’s time to 

  • Find out the average rental of similar units to the one you’re planning to live in
  • Is there a high demand in this area or for this type of property; this reflects whether it’s a good choice for a long-term stay or not and is there is a great turnover or not

The historical transactions are the insights that tell you all this data; it’s the past record of rental transactions that took place in a community for the units. 

Stay on top of the market’s demand and past rentals with the Historical Transactions tool powered by Data Guru. 

How it Works

  • Navigate to Data Guru on the Property Finder website.
  • Choose “Historical Transactions.”
  • Input the location of the unit.
  • Customise the data using filters such as Property Type, Number of Bedrooms, Price Range, and more.
  • Make sure to select “Rented” from the initial drop-down menu.

Then, you will get a dashboard that provides insights about 

  • The average amount of new and renewed contracts over various periods, starting from 1 week up to 3 years
  • The location of the unit
  • Date of contract 
  • Contract status

This gives you a clear picture of the demand for rent in this area and property type.

3. Get the Inside Scoop on Communities

The third step, once you settled on the area that suits your budget and looks good in terms of demand, is to know more about the lifestyle of these areas; this is to assess whether it fits your preferences, needs, and the residency you aim for. 

In addition, it’s also important to have a list of the prior services and facilities that you want to live around like schools, nurseries, commercial sites, malls, public transportation, etc.

The Community Insights tool is your ultimate door to knowing all about the various communities in Dubai. You will find them categorised according to the different needs like affordable, waterfront, family-friendly, and more. 

Besides, it gives you information like 

  • House prices
  • Available types of properties
  • Popular buildings/sub-communities
  • About the Community 

How it Works

  • Access Data Guru.
  • Select the emirate of your choice.
  • Click on “Community Insights.”
  • Input the community you want to explore, and you’ll receive comprehensive information about it. 

4. Decide on the Residential Tower or Sub Community

Once you’re here, this means you’re one step closer to finding your new home! You mostly have settled on the main community and it’s time to choose between the towers or sub-communities in this area. 

It’s about your preference and also your budget; you should decide on the following which will help you narrow down your choices.

  • Do you want a spacious or small unit
  • Do you prefer high floors or not
  • Are basic amenities enough, or are you looking for an extra lavish experience? 
  • In case of villas/townhouses, do you want a small garden or not

All these questions and more get you closer to the ideal residential tower or sub-area within the community you chose. The Residential Insights tool by Data Guru is your saviour to find out all about the various areas and buildings.

It’s a one-stop platform for all the information with no need to search everywhere to know more about them. Through this awesome tool, you will easily find about

  • The available units for rent
  • The nearby schools, nurseries, hospitals and more to the building/sub-area you’re viewing
  • The average rental prices
  • The leasing rates for the nearby buildings as well 

5. Find the Best Match from the Available Properties 

Once you settle on the residential tower or sub-community within the area you chose, you will find a number of good property options on the page of the building on the Residential Insights tool. 

You can explore these options, and if you need more, this section will guide you to the listings page for this tower/sub-community on Property Finder, where you’ll find a wide range of properties.

6. Verify That the Rental Value Aligns with Current Market Rates

By now, you should have specific unit options that you’re considering, but before signing the contract, this last step is essential, which is checking if the deal you have is good or not. 

It’s important to find out what is the market range to asses whether the rental amount you’re asked for is overpriced, suitable, or underpriced. 

If it’s overpriced, then you still can find similar options without paying too much, but for underpriced ones, you should double-check to make sure there are no issues with the unit or the landlord. 

To stay safe and ensure the best deal, you can use the Home Value Estimator through Data Guru. It gives you an estimate of the rental amount for your query. 

How it works:

  • First, you enter the building or community 
  • Then, the specifications of the unit, like
    • Property Type
    • No of bedrooms
    • No of bathrooms
    • Property size (sqft)

Next, select “Calculate Property Value” to see the estimated yearly rental of the property. 

Additionally, on the same page, you’ll find an insights dashboard displaying the rate of change for this unit’s rental to see if there is a possible price increase or decrease in the future.  

With Data Guru, choosing the ideal rental property is a straightforward process when you take it step by step. It’s your ultimate way to find your new home without any hassle and guaranteeing the best deal.