Your Ultimate Guide for Ajman Sewerage

Are you moving to Ajman? Then you’re definitely wondering what are the initial setups you need here. This article will provide you with a guide to Ajman Sewerage, which is one of the most important steps to introduce water to your property.

The guide will answer all of your questions, whether you’re a resident or a newcomer, so get ready and start reading.

  1. What Is Ajman Sewerage?
  2. What Services Does Ajman Sewerage Provide?
  3. How Can You Apply for Ajman Sewerage Services?
  4. What Are the Needed Documents for the Move-in Service?
  5. How Can You Pay the Ajman Sewerage Bill? 
  6. What Are the Applicable charges for ajman Sewerage Service?
  7. Can You Pay for Ajman Sewerage Services by an Installment Plan?
  8. Can Under Construction Unit Owners Apply?
  9. Does Ajman Sewerage Provide Special Services for Social Case Customers? 
  10. What Is the NOC and How Can You Apply for It?
  11. How Can You Refund Your Ajman Sewerage Deposit?
  12. What Is the Service Charge for Ajman Sewerage?
  13. How Can You Cancel Ajman Sewerage Service? 
  14. What Is the Move out Service by Ajman Sewerage?
  15. What Is the Location of Ajman Sewerage?
  16. What Are Ajman Sewerage Working Hours?
  17. What Is Ajman Sewerage Toll Free Number? 
  18. FAQ

1. What Is Ajman Sewerage?

It’s a private company that has a partnership with Ajman government to provide all the water treatment services for unit owners and tenants in Ajman.

Ajman Sewerage quick pay

 2. What Services Does Ajman Sewerage Provide?

Ajman Sewerage offers multiple services for tenants and owners like: 

  • Move-in Service: Registration for tenants
  • Move-out Service: Service termination
  • NOC: Non-Obligation Certificate for both tenants and owners
  • WWPR: WasteWater Planning and Review for under construction units
  • Social Case Committee Decision: Ajman Sewerage services for families in need.

3. How Can You Apply for Ajman Sewerage Services?

The registration process is simple and can be done online through Ajman Sewerage website or application. To complete the registration process, you should do the following:

  • Go to Ajman Sewerage website or download the application from both Google Play or App Store
  • Create an account for your unit
  • Upload the needed documents 
  • Record all the needed information to enable the monthly bill via SMS.

4. What Are the Needed Documents for the Move-in Service?

Here’s a breakdown of all the documents you need for the move-in service:

  • A valid Pre-Tenancy document (for authentication)
  • Valid tenancy contract
  • Residential: A copy of valid Emirates ID 
  • Commercial: A copy of valid Trade License copy.
Ajman Sewerage bill payment

5. How Can You Pay the Ajman Sewerage Bill? 

You don’t have to worry about your Ajman Sewerage bill since it can be easily paid online, through Quick Pay, or at various payment partners. You can also view your bill through the same channels.

Online Payment

Make sure you have your account number handy for all online channels. You’ll be glad to know that Ajman Sewerage online bill payment is done through these easy channels: 

  • Ajman Sewerage website
  • Mobile app
  • Emirates NBD 
  • Ajman Bank
  • Dubai Islamic Bank.

You can also check Ajman Sewerage’s bill online so you can easily estimate the amount with one click.

Offline Payment

If online payment is not your preference, you can check out the below offline channels to make sure you pay your bill on time:

  • Customer Happiness Centers (payment by cheques only)
  • MBME
  • NT Payment
  • Emirates NBD ATMs.

For offline payment, make sure you have the below documents: 

  • Account number or Sewerage ID 
  • As for cheque payment:
    • A copy of Trade License (Commercial)
    • A copy of Emirates ID Copy (Residential)
    • Etihad Credit Bureau report 
    • Makani Submission form

6. What Are the Applicable Charges for Ajman Sewerage Service?

The charges differ according to the unit type as it differs from apartments to villas. here are the amount in details


SizeMonthly Service Charge (AED)


SizeMonthly Service Charge (AED)

7. Can You Pay for Ajman Sewerage Services by an Installment Plan? 

Yes, you can have payment facilities and installment plans for Ajman Sewerage service, but first you need to meet some requirements and provide the needed documents.


  • Post-dated cheques are used for payment plans.
  • The minimum due amount that must be scheduled is AED 8,000.

Needed Documents

  • A copy of Trade License (Commercial)
  • A copy of Emirates ID (Residential)
  • Etihad Credit Bureau Report 
  • Makani submission form

Service Limitations

  • The customer has a history of bounced checks.
  • Any of the required documents are missing.
  • The amount owed is less than AED 8,000.

Delivery Channels 

  • VIP Customers Happiness Center
  • Rawda Customers Happiness Center
  • Main Customers Happiness Center

Service Timing

It only takes 10 minutes at the happiness centers.

Ajman Sewerage contact number

8. Can Under Construction Unit Owners Apply?

We understand that this can sometimes be a tricky situation, but yes the owner of the under construction unit can apply for WWPR from Ajman Sewerage. This service can be easily requested through their website and it only takes 5 working days.

To apply for this service, you must ensure that your property is within Ajman boundaries and provide all of the following documents:

  • Site map
  • Floorplan
  • Valid Emirates ID
  • Details of the property (number of floors, flats, shops, etc.)
  • Property demolition Letter (If the new development is on an existing/to-be-demolished property)

There are a few service limitations you should be aware of:

  • Missing details in the floorplan of any floor
  • Missing Parcel ID from the plot site map
  • Expired Emirates ID.
Ajman Sewerage bill check

9. Does Ajman Sewerage Provide Special Services for Social Case Customers? 

Yes they can because helping one another is the best way to give back to the community. As a result, Ajman Sewerage offers a special service to social case customers.

This service is provided under the supervision of a Social Case Committee that meets twice a year to take the decision. It is requested through their website and application. If you want to apply for it, you need to provide these documents:

  • A copy of your Passport 
  • A copy of your Emirates ID 
  • Family book copy (khulasat al-qaid)
  • Salary or retirement certificate
  • Title deed copy
  • Connection fees bill copy
  • Statement of Ajman Sewerage’s accounts
  • Last three month bank statements.
  • Indebtedness certificate (in case they exist) 
  • Death certificate in the case of the heirs
  • Social affairs certificate (in case they exist)
  • A certificate from DED for owned Trade License.

Note: This service is applied for UAE owners with social cases only.

Ajman Sewerage view bill

10. What Is the NOC and How Can You Apply for It?

A Non-Obligation Certificate is a document that’s obtained after clearing all the amounts due on the account and it comes in two types: owner and tenant. This service is easily accessible via the Ajman Sewerage website and application; it’s issued only in the property owner’s name. 

Owners and tenants are subjected to different requirements under the NOC, which are:


  • Clearing all the outstanding amounts due for the service and connection fees
  • For unconnected plots: Providing title deed document of the property and owner’s Emirates ID or passport.


  • Property must be occupied by the tenant
  • Tenant’s Emirates ID / Trade License must be valid or else the application will be denied.

Service Timing  

  • Connected plots: Instant 
  • Non-connected plots: one working day 

11. How Can You Refund Your Ajman Sewerage Deposit?

You can request a refund for the extra deposit in your account through the online channels but you need to make sure of the following steps: 

  • Obtaining service termination in case of service charge excess or deposit (for tenants)
  • Clearing all the connection fees installments in case there’s extra credit on it
  • Submitting original payment receipt
  • Requesting the refund through the owner or their authorized representative.

Note: The refund process takes up to 5 working days.

Ajman Sewerage app

12. What Is the Service Charge for Ajman Sewerage?

The charges are determined per the requested service and these are the average prices:

  • Move-in Service: Free of charge 
  • Move-out Service: AED 10 (NOC) 
  • Owner NOC : AED 10 
  • Tenant NOC: AED 21 
  • Refund Service: Free of charge 
  • Service Committee: Free of charge
  • Bill Inquiry: Free of charge.

13. How Can You Cancel Ajman Sewerage Service? 

You can request a termination service through Ajman Sewerage application or website after making sure of the following:

  • Paying all the amounts due
  • Obtaining a clearance certificate
  • Vacating the property by the tenant
  • Receiving NOC from the service provider.

14. What Is the Move out Service by Ajman Sewerage?

The move out service is when you need to close you account while or after leaving the unit. It provides you with clearance certificate after paying all the dues.

Ajman Sewerage bill payment online

15. What Is the Location of Ajman Sewerage? 

You can easily head to the main customer service office of Ajman Sewerage at the below address:

Main Customer Happiness Center: Ground Floor, Al Zahra Building, Block B, Mohammed Salem Bu Khamis Street, Liwara 1, Ajman, UAE.

16. What Are Ajman Sewerage Working Hours?

You can reach out to Ajman Sewerage and visit their office during the following working hours:

  • Monday- Friday: 8 am – 8 pm
  • Saturdays: 10 am  – 5 pm. 

17. What Is Ajman Sewerage Toll Free Number? 

You can easily contact Ajman Sewerage during business hours, as their customer service will be available to answer all of your inquiries. You can reach Ajman Sewerage through this contact number: +971 (0)6 714 8888.


1. How Can You Register Ajman Sewerage Online?

You can effortlessly register for Ajman Sewerage online either through their website or application. There are also more details above in this guide which you can check. 

2. When Can You  Receive Your NOC with Ajman Sewerage?

The time it takes to receive you NOC (No Objection Certificate) after a transaction may vary depending on the type of transaction.

This is as some transactions allowing for immediate downloading of the NOC while others may take up to one working day to be received.

3. What Is the Ajman Sewerage Quick Pay?

Quick pay is an easy and smooth way to for Ajman Sewerage bill payment online.

4. Will I Receive the NOC/Clearance by Email?

Yes, your NOC or Ajman Sewerage clearance certificate will be sent via e-mail. In addition, it is possible to obtain a copy of it by downloading from either the website or the mobile application.

This article contains all of the information you need to know about Ajman Sewerage service. You can now easily apply for the service you require without any difficulty.

If you’ve recently rented a property here, you might need to check Tasdeeq Ajman guide on Property Finder to know more about such an important

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