Residential Insights

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Key information

Building age:

8 Years

Length of stay:

Short term: 4.64%

Long term: 95.36%

Renewal rate:

Avg. 60.17%

Rental yield:

Avg. 6.6%

Average prices

Average price of properties rented in Palma in the last 12 months
TypeAvg. Price (AED/ year)
3 Bedrooms275,000
4 Bedrooms304,000
5 Bedrooms339,000

The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.

Nearby prices

Average price of a 3 bedrooms villa nearest to Palma
Lila VillasLilaSamaraCasaPalma100K150K200K250K300K350K

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 3 bedrooms villa rented in the last 3 months.

Properties available in the area

3 bedrooms properties currently available in Arabian Ranches 2 by price range.
160K180K200K220K240K260K280K300KNumber of listings51015202530

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